What We Do
NMS specializes in creating customized sessions for schools in order to meet their specific needs. Their services range from PD related to bilingual/ESL programs, newcomers integration, sheltered Instruction, certification services, and even parent engagement activities. With such a wide variety of offerings, It would be worth considering NMS as a partner for your district.

Dr. Myrna
Dr. Rasmussen is the founder and CEO of NMS. She is a charismatic and knowledgeable leader in the field of bilingual education.
Her extensive state and national experience and passion for advocating for high-standard language programs for Latin@/students is inspiring.
She focuses on second language acquisition strategies and enlightens us on the power of enrichment programs such as dual language.

Dr. Myrna Rosado Rasmussen offers a comprehensive list of services that equips school districts with the latest educational trends and research-based strategies, all designed for practical application and optimal results. Her experience working in multiple areas, including multilingual programs in school districts, ensures she can cater to the individual needs of each school.
Thank you for considering our services for your organization's needs. Dr. Rosado Rasmussen and her team are dedicated to providing tailored packages that address your unique requirements. To learn more about how we can assist you, please schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

To motivate and empower communities of learners by unlocking their full potential with the right tools to succeed.